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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  September 11, 2010 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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ground. >> that's great. at's it fork's edition of the ournal editorial report. thanks to my panel and all of you for watching. see you right here next week. captioned by ccsed captioning services, n >> nine years since terror stuck our nation, the american media joined forces them. but has the passing of time, controversies, wars and political divide caused the media to forget the pain of 9-11? >> islamics under attack in
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america. hamas takes its gument to the media and the media givesld world attention to a character pot preacher with a plan to burn korans. why did the press take the bai. >> judy miller, cal thomas, jim pinkerton, and fox news radio host, allen. fox ne watch i son right now. >> for all theprogress we made, we'ret not there yet. and that means that people are frustrated and that means people are angry. and since i'm the president, the democrats have control of the house and the senate, it's understandable that people are saying, what have you done? >> that's president obama at his friday news conference admitting economic recovery has been
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painfully slow. cal, it was the capper to a week of appearances h made trying to convince the amecan people and the media that he's on track with the ecoomy, and is it working? >> i don't think so. you look at th polls and the republicans are ahead in a lot of races but the president is overexposed and on the media all the time. to the point where the audience's eyes glaze over and they don't pay any attention to bhat he's sang. the presidency must be marshaed in such a way that when he speaks, he commands attention, and he's not it doing it. questioningu were the president -- focus on healthcare when he should have been focusing on the economy, but he also admits that he still has the tingle up his leg for dhi president, and really over his entire body with so much information. ai qestion is, can liberals
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gi this president a fair evaluation?k >> i speak for all liberals. thank you very much. i any he has lost some of his -- >> mojo? >> mojo on the far left. and he compromised on healthcare, and 40,000 troops are in afghanistan. and i really believe that he'll get some of that back once we see who the republican opponent is in the presidential electi. where else is he going to go? but i think it's temporary. and he needs to be out there. he needs the transparency, which that theyrvatives say want. and ream hered started being moe forceful going after republicans and selling his agenda. >> you say he nds to be ut inm front of the media more, and judy gave a big sigh. what was that about? >> what he doesn't need to do and doesn't need to have are more of these canned appearances, and what he did at
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the press conference on friday was remarkable. he was out there answering questions, and defending himself. we heard the obama, we dropped the g. he was going nd driving the economy, not over the cli. >> and let me point out thei video up there right now, they always stack, and i guess every administration stacks bobbleheads behind the president that cheer and shout whenever they say is something. >> he did something extraordinary, he actually credited george bush, he gave real credit to president obama err pointing out that america was not at war with islam. and he's going to be able to go a lon way with that. >> the report, the fight was on when he said that. >> he was on with abc's tapper this week, and using a lot of the same rhetoric that he had
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used on the campaign trail. did you notice that? >> i did, tapper asked a very good questi. saying that the healthcare bill iss bending the cost curve down. according to the center for medicaid servces, the increase is said to go up. bending the curve upward. and then the question, why are no democrats campaigning on the healthcare bill, and obama gave hisr usual 15 minute answero to. the answer to no go. ood. >> the followup on what jim 't expectsaid we ca healthcare to be of course the cost is going to go up. and if wekeep it slightly higher than the rate increase in inflation, we're doing a good job, right? >> he was concerned, he mentioned the word middle class about ten times in the course of an hour. this is his theme and the place
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he wants to go, and he's doing example what you guys said he should be doing and now you're beating up on him for doing it. >> stimulus. that's a new game for reporters, get into saying the "s"d word. >> and john bainer. >> there are no rs to beseen. >> check out the website. big mediae on the stories in the watch section, and go behind the scnes and listen to the discussions we have here in the break. all very interesting, and a good one is about to break out. up next, has the press become numb to the pain of 9-11? ♪> >> 9-11, the day that america changed and the day that the american media woke up to the threat of terror. nine years later have the threats and woes desensitized
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>> images of the progress here at the 9-11 memorial. and the foundation for the new freedom tower, now called 1 world trade center. it's to become the tallest building in the united states, standing at 1,76 feet. but the images of 2001 revived and so if we haven't learned the lesson from terror. a new report said that the united states has failed to anticipate the danger of terroristsfrom homegrown terrorists. and judsy, one of the authors of the report out on friday, said when it comes to hogrown terrorists, the united states has failede says, to fundamentally understand and prepare for the threats.r terrorists may have found our
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achilles heel. we have no strategy to deal with this problem and the emerging threat. >> hats off to the ny because kelly and his team have been saying, the table homegrown terrorists and terrorism, that's the new threat for two years now, and finally washingt has woken up and paid attention. i think there's a risk here. we can overreact to the homegrown potential theat. we can make domestic muslims the enemy through ill conceived policies and overreaction, and we heard some of that in the president's press conference on friday. being media is accused of desensitized to the morers of 9-11, and getting caught up in controversy such as the ground zero mosque in new york city. the guy who wants to help build
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ons run that mosque, imam, was cnn this week, and h here's what he had to say. i want o ge your reaction. >>t is iortant u fors to raise the bar. if we move, it means hat the radicals have shaped the discourse. >> some people took his comments is theresv sort of a veiled threat. >> it wasn't veiled. it wasn't a threat. how is it of different than what about an other issue that's very similar. that we have to be aware of what we do a how we do it, and how we are perceived and how it might effect the people in the field. the senate has an ise, and that is that the meia does focus on 9-11.
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every 9-11 is like a national day of remembrance, which i understand from an emotional standpoint, but i wonder if it's such a good idea if we make such a big deal of 9-11. the terrorists whom like to attack us, they're commemorating us again. and i'm not sure that it's such a good idea. >> i have think it's a really difficult call. but i don't see how this country cannot do it, and wait until next year, until the 10th, butre we must remember that the refine we do it is because we have the anti-terrorisms we have. we have add as a nation, and we need to be reminded. >> revered as a national almost holiday. >> it'so not revered. >> saying, they are remembering what we did. >> i have to point to a failure. why hasn't the memorial of 9-11. and i'm not to concerned for
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the towe, but the memorial aser thousands of people were killed. why hasn't there bee a war memorial been built to the soldiers killed in afghanistan and iraq? it has been nine years since te combat began. >> the purpose of the memorial is to encourage people to remember the sacrifice. >> the question, call. fox has been runni a series showing the progress at ground zero. and is it fair to say that a lot of the media has ignored that issue? >> i think that the attention has shifted dramatically from 2001 to knowing who the enemies are, and what they want to destroy is and impose on america, and sympathy for he relatives to oh, let's not do anything to offend the terrorists. this guy on cnn, itwas a bold faced threat. if wedon't build that mosque, we're going to be klled.
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of course it is. >> are you really saying that he's a tert rorist?t >> i don't know, but they're smart about this. because they infill traited us in a way that ty now -. >> do you know anything about this guy. >> he was [ talking at the same time ] >> he spoke out about it. >> bush was in the same category as obama and the rest. >> i heard nobody sp out autth him with the bush administration. >> you're not reading my columns. >> time for another break. if you come across a story that you think shows media bias, email us. up next, ant off-beat pastor suckers in the mainstream press. >> the burning of the koran is a
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call to the attention that somethinis wrong. >> a florida preher's publicity stunt to burn korans gets big attention and big world reioctn. should the media be blamed for the fire storm? and what was it like reporting onhe 9-11 terror attacks as they happen? find out next on news watch. ú
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>> the iman has agreed to remove the mosque. we have agreed to cancel our event on saturday. as one journalist described hm.i flonrida pastor, tery jones there, on hs on-maybe off-stunt
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to burn he koran, andthen there's this political cartoon that has been getting attention. it ysa 19 muslim terrorists kill 3,000 americans. you can't ujdge the few. and then one preacher calls to burn the koran and they say death to america. >> i don't know it people are calling for death to america, but isn't it true that general petraeus speaks out and says it's going to endanger our troops. an that's what the key issue is.o if we were to burn the bible. and we had muslims doing a bble burning, i think you would have a vry similar reaction from christians who would be equally offended and who knows what kind of death theats coulld come to
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that muslim. >> has the media gtten so much attention has the media been played by yes, i'm going to do it, and no, i'm not? >> i agree, once you have david oetraeus saying this is a threat to our troops, how can he media ignore this story? >> they were paying close attention before that. >> they were? because of the envirmeonnt, we have the tryfection ta, and the 9-11, and the beginning of thed jewish holiday, and the end f ramadan and the month of fasting. this is guanteed to build up and puteverybody on edge. >> this was a media c two daysago, this clown, phelps was heard to sy god hates fags, and he got zero coverage, and this guy is a media creation. and it was a perfect storm and a adifecta, and they had to cover
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it. and i was glad to sa see that fx put out a statement. >> let me get to that, according to the tv newser, abc, cnn, all had plans to cover it if thiso thing wereto go on, an we still don't absolutely know if it's on hold permanently. x news was not going to do so. senior vice president, michael clementi of this network said if we wanted every one of them, we would run out. but this is about using some just. i mean, shouldn't everybody jut ignore this guy. >>yes, they should, and i guarantee that someone is going to get the idea. whatever jones does, and the media should ignore him. it's not traditional journalism. but to think about what all of the news has in print. whatever sold out.
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brought to the so-called pastor, and i like the word, so-called. on sunny in the othe -- msnbc t. they didn't even interview the guy. how ny are ot here? they put him one the air all the time. >> was that journalistically a good move? >>ey wanted to hear what he had to say. >> of course it's not good to let him rant. but there have been eloquent responses to him. the mayor of new york, mike d bloomberg, many people did not like the position he took on the mosque near ground zero where the community sense center two blocks away from ground zero, but he was consistent about this. this man has the right to do dwhatever he wants to do constitutionally, but is it wise? and that's the question we have to ask. >> mike thomas from tnhe sentinl
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said the media attention to jrones was like three strawberries coming into alignment on a million dollars slot machine. if a sad little man burnsa koras in the woods and the media isn't there to record it? >> it is a news story, especially when general petraeus comments and the white house gets involved. >> al jazeera will be there, no matter what the rest of americans are. >> it will be on youtube. >> when we come back, a insider view is on the coverage of the 9-11 attack. activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. trust me.
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>> jon: nine years ago we watched the terror attacks unfold live television. i was part of the team that brought you that story as it unfolded. >> it was mayhem. i sat in the anchor share khair during the fox news coverage of the 9/11 attack. when is the first jetliner slammed into the north tower, all of us assumed it was a horrible accident. s then the attack on the south tower. we saw it live. my mind scrambled to untangle what i just witnessed.
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"thought somehow the director was replaying video. i hope we were no longer live. we were under attack and i said so. that had a has to be deliberate, folks. some of the key folks is osama bin laden. >> after a couple of hours, i needed to do morehan just narrate the carnage.n it can tunnel vision. yes, we saw terrible things coming from new york, washington shanksville. it seems like t sky was falling, the world is had. but as our coverage went on, i tried to remind viewers that the great nation could and would absorb a blow and still remain strong. a shot of the statue of liberty with the smoking rubble of the twin towers in the background gave me the opportunity to mention that we are americans, we are people of courage,


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